"Soon" is a suspenseful thriller that follows the life of Emma, a young woman who finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and fear. Her world takes a chilling turn when she discovers a cryptic note with the word "Soon" attached to her front door.​​​​​​​
"Soon" explores themes of suspense, paranoia, and the unknown as Emma's ordinary life takes a terrifying turn, leaving her to grapple with the chilling realization that something inexplicable and menacing is unfolding around her.
The Cast and Crew
Director, Writer, and Editor
Meet Scott Adams, a dynamic and visionary emerging director who exudes boundless creativity, infused with a unique outlook cultivated through his corporate marketing background. Scott is poised to unveil his eagerly awaited second short film masterpiece, possessing an instinctive knack for forging connections with actors and an innate gift for weaving compelling visual narratives.
Michelle Colman is a Venezuelan-born actress currently residing in Bellingham, Washington. Her favorite hobbies include traveling, dancing, reading, watching shows, and listening to music. Michelle has a high affinity for storytelling and talks a lot about how she loves stories in any shape or form. She also adores beaches and amusement parks. Michelle started formally pursuing acting at the beginning of 2023, and as her experience grows, so does her excitement about collaborating with other filmmakers to tell stories. She is excited to see where life takes her.
Emmett Kineman was born and raised in Seattle; Emmett Kineman is a film enthusiast and actor since high school and a lover of music, theatre, exercise, reading, and deep contemplation. He treasures the bonds and unique growth from creative collaborations and is thrilled to join this production!
Kayla Lee is a musician and engineer from a small Virginia Appalachian town. She studied at Berklee College of Music and worked as an assistant engineer to Grammy-winning artists and producers in New York City.
Film Festival Awards
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