Ragged Films is a film production company specializing in high-concept horror films. Founded by visionary filmmaker Thomas Scott Adams, our studio is driven by a passion for crafting compelling narratives that challenge conventions and provoke thought.
Thomas Scott Adams, goes by Scott, traces his love for horror tales back to his childhood in the ghost town of Ritzville, Washington. His unconventional journey into filmmaking saw him navigate through the corporate world, where he refined his skills in efficiency and provided invaluable support to fellow creatives. This unique background serves as the bedrock of Ragged Films, infusing our productions with a blend of artistic vision and business acumen.
Scott's commitment to excellence led him to pursue a Film Production Certification at the prestigious Vancouver Film School, further complemented by Director Workshops at The London Film School. His creative prowess has attracted the attention of industry giants such as Netflix, Amazon, Google, Estee Lauder Companies, Fiat, and United Healthcare, resulting in groundbreaking collaborations that have reshaped advertising and storytelling.
At Ragged Films, we take pride in our diverse portfolio of acclaimed works, including "Death Hotel," "Soon," and the upcoming releases "Creature, Begone!" and "Black-Eyed Kid." Each project embodies our dedication to pushing the boundaries of the horror genre while incorporating themes of faith and redemption.